
Monday, June 18, 2012

Notes from here and there

1) I saw my first fireweed blossom of 2012 last weekend.

2) Here is a photo of the coolest mailbox installation ever:

The mailboxes are on an I-beam, which is supported by winches.

3) Here is a photo of a pink blossom on campus:

4) Here is a photo of a very Fairbanks-like sign. This is why the census workers' jobs were dangerous around here!

From the road, I caught a glimpse of a play set in the front yard as I drove by. The juxtaposition was a bit startling.

5) It was a beautiful day!


mdr said...

There is a flower looking just like the campus flower in the backyard here. The seed travelled a long way.

b said...

Beautiful flowers. As for the sign, welcome to Podunksville, USA!