
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This conversation...

...Has happened to me about ten times now. It commences when what I take to be an absolute stranger approaches me at the supermarket, or on the UAF campus, or at a park, etc.

Other person: "Hello! Hi there!"

Me: Oh, hi!

"Do you live around Cripple Creek?"


"Do you have two huskies?"


"I'm one of your neighbors! I see you walking them around our neighborhood, being dragged, like this!" And the person proceeds to demonstrate:


And a friendship is born.


Rena said...

Much better than how I meet people...

Me: Hello, I'm Rena
Other person: Yes, we've met [n] times before!
Me: Oh! We have?

I'm kind of surprised by the pose, though - I always imagined that was the stance for skjoring. Like waterskiing? But perhaps you're the only one that's waterskiing behind two huskies in your neck of the woods?

Arvay said...

That is my "dig my heels into the ground to avoid being dragged" posture. :)