
Monday, July 6, 2009

Burnin' burnin'

The fires are continuing to burn, making the air smoky and hazy:

Here is today's "weather":

Fortunately, for now, the fires are not near any populated areas!

In other news, I have zucchinis on the way:

Oh, and here is some fireweed on campus:


blippir said...

stay indoors and dont exercise outside. that's what they say to do when there are wildfires around here

Arvay said...

Yup. We take a walk in the early morning when the air has not thickened up yet. This morning was surprisingly clear, but then I saw that haze on the horizon and thought, it's still coming in for the day...

b said...

reeree? should be the same all day.

Arvay said...

It changes whenever the wind changes direction. That's why they are predicting temporary relief over the next 2-3 days, although the fires will still be burning. Regarding the day/night thing, it's because the cooler air at night sinks, and the warmer air during the day rises, and there is mixing in the mornings and evenings.

b said...

what a smartypants fembeh!i dont think there is that much temp variation in the bay area and also the wildfires might be closer (santa cruz mtns) so it's bad no matter what when it burns.