
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Better behbeh reindeer photos than I can take


Sixteen behbeh reindeer! I need to go visit them again!

And in other silicon2tanana reportage, here we have a patent admission that "street cleaning" serves the explicit purpose of generating revenue via parking tickets. When I lived in Berkeley, you couldn't park on the Northbound side of the street on the second Wednesday and the fourth Tuesday of every month, and you couldn't park on the Southbound side of the street the third Tuesday and the first Monday of every month, except during months with 31 days, when it was reversed, and during leap years, when it was reversed again. Or something like that. Anyway, however it was, I figured regular parking tickets into my household budget.

Do you know how many parking tickets I've gotten in Fairbanks? I'll give you a minute to guess. Oh yeah, none. God bless the oil revenue, that's all I can say. The state doesn't have to scheme money from its citizens.


Anonymous said...

God ... City of Berkley.

blip said...

I'll take a couple of parking tickets to living through a fairbanks winter any day.

Arvay said...

Oh, not me! I moved here for the explicit and sole purpose of avoiding parking tickets, so I will wear a bikini in -40 to celebrate lack of parking tickets! ;)