pill bugs
most non-flying unidentifiables
Those that get squished:
Those that are left in place and revered as allies:
Edited to ad an irrelevant tidbit for the day:
I know it's been about four years since Pluto's demotion, but this just fell across my desk and made me laugh:

... and dogs that try and catch anything crawling, flying or buzzing?
Loki loves (?!?) spiders but will chase flies up the walls.
Pretty good list. Although I do draw the line at spiders as big as my hand and also red-backs. Otherwise they are welcome to stay in a corner and catch all the mossies they want.
Oh, geckos can hang out, but blue-tongues gotta stay outside to keep the cockroach population low.
When I visited Tucson many moons ago, people would hang bottles or bags of water from their porch eaves to ward off flies. Like Christmas lights, except little bags of water. They swore by it but I don't see how it would ever work.
Do you have to worry about ticks up in your area?
Mdr made a funny girl. Men are often funny, rarely women. Mdr is proud of myself.
Nayacat used to eat spinders, she no longer does her duty. I have to kill them myself.
You used to always put a small piece of paper next to those crawling bugs and waited for them crawling on the paper you laid down for them, then you picked up the paper and drop the bug outside. That was when we were in Parkmerced and you were only 3. I was so amazed at your smart "technique" at that age and soft heart. Mdr is proud of my girl
Linden's been stunning wasps for me so it's easier for me to kill them!
Dave, what's up with Australian spiders? Just reading about them creeps me out!
And Rena, we have no ticks, fleas, scorpions, tarantulas, or poison oak. The things that can hurt you around here tend to be more obvious (moose, bears, angry misanthropes), with the exception of mosquitoes!
Mudder, I have advanced past pieces of paper to jam jars. :)
How does Linden "stun" wasps?
She whaps them with her paw.
Aussies go on about the spiders just to scare the tourists and make themselves look tough!
At least that's my theory.
Totally with you on the spiders and mosquitoes. I do have the "you stay up high and get nowhere near my bed and I won't squish you" rule with the spiders. There is also an odd bug we get that looks like a reverse pincher-bug, but the pinchers are sort of whisper-like out the back end. I don't really like them, but I have no idea what they are.
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