... until I get my fresh greens! I've decided to subscribe to a
CSA this year, so signed up with
Rosie Creek Farm, mostly for the propinquity factor; they are located past me on the road on which I live. The creek that flows through the bottom of my property also flows through theirs. So, you know how you are always being told to think hard about what you put into the environment, because in the long run, it affects your own health? Well, in my case, it can affect my health in the very
short run, because if I were to dump pesticides on my land, it would flow right to the farm from which I get my vegetables! I guess that's why tree-hugger-type folks encourage everyone to buy local; it's not just better, fresher food--it does make you think!
I'd held off on subscribing to a CSA because I like going to the Farmer's Market, and choosing my own vegetables. But I've come to the realization that the local farms tend to save their best produce for their subscribers, and bring extras to the Farmer's Market. I'd often see Autumn and Linden's former mom there with nothing but turnips! So now I want in on the first pickings! Also, my sister pointed out to me that getting vegetables you wouldn't ordinarily buy for yourself is actually good for you because it adds variety to your diet and makes you a more creative cook!
Here is a photo of my
American Meadow Garden:
That'll be fun - and how neat you have a farm just down the road. Do they have chickens for fresh eggs?
That is "Fairbanks Meadow Garden"
Nothing makes me happier to see you take good care of yourself
I don't think they sell eggs. I get my eggs from Alaska Feed. :)
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