
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Orphaned newborn behbeh meese!

Ah! Orphaned behbeh meese! How heartbreaking!

The girls and I passed a newborn behbeh moose this morning when we were out for a walk. He was curled up, but looked at us as we walked by. I hadn't seen him until we were nearly upon him, so at that point there was nothing to do but quicken the pace to get away from him as soon as possible, before an angry mamamoose showed up. We didn't see her, but a few miles later, we bumped into a pair of mountain bikers who were concerned about behbehmoose because he'd been there for several hours and they hadn't seen any sign of mamamoose. They said they'd call Fish and Game if he was still there by evening.

It was my (perhaps mistaken) understanding that mamameese often leave their behbehmeese alone for extended periods. They hide them away in a safe spot (this didn't look like a well-hidden spot to me, but meese aren't that bright), go feed, and return to behbeh later. Is a few hours alone long enough to worry about? Well, I hope mamamoose returns to that adorable, fuzzy little guy. He was no bigger than Autumn!

1 comment:

mdr said...

Fish and Game will take care of him if mama moose disappearred. Don't worry.