Solution: Key ring!
There, I fixed it!
In other news, I must confess to a certain I-had-thought-it-was-just-me pleasure when I hear other people in the neighborhood shouting at the top of their lungs for their dogs. Huskies are terrible about running off when they get bored, and you know I just feel like a really brilliant person when I am running up and down the road shouting for them. I'm sure it gives the neighbors a really high opinion of me, and just makes me feel like such a respectable human being!
But when I am lying under the covers late at night, with my dogs peacefully lying on either side of me, and I hear somebody else out there hollering their dogs' names, I just snuggle deeper and think, "ha ha". :)
I love your RRRREEEEDDDD shoes.
What is the safest thing to do if a person bumps into a mama moose with calves? Whistle?
Gohonzon protects you will never encounter it again. Are there stuffs moose hates to spread around your yard?
You can run away! Moose, unlike bears or mountain lions, are not predators, so it's okay to run away as you will not activate a predator's chase/kill instinct. The ideal situation is you are supposed to put a large tree between the moose and yourself. But mamamoose will generally be happy with you once you get away from the calf.
Do study wild animal avoidance technique and maybe rehearse it with your dogs
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