2) How freakin' cute is this behbeh elephant?
3) Schadenfreude is bad! The next day after a peaceful night's sleep, being lulled into dreamland by the shouts of my neighbor chasing his dog up and down the road, I was once again chasing my own two girls after they took off on their grandest adventure yet. They were hanging out with me while I split wood. Autumn was comfortably relaxing, and Linden was sitting looking very ladylike as if she would never run off! Then I blinked and they were both nowhere to be seen. I tried the usual suspects--my next-door neighbor, who sometimes gives them food scraps; my neighbor across the road, who has a very bouncy black lab that Linden adores; the neighbor across the other road, who has a yardful of dogs that the girls love to visit. No sign of them. None of the neighbor dogs were barking. After wandering the neighborhood hollering after them for close to half an hour (Ahh... dignity! You give it up quickly when you're chasing dogs!), they came racing back from heaven-knows-where, with Autumn carrying--get this--a wolf paw in her mouth. WTF? Dogs! I swear...
4) Mooseyness on my commute:
She had twin behbehs that were too far off the road to photograph.
So do you think they would come back eventually if you didn't yell at them? Or are they like my kids - they'll just wander off and keep going?
and what didja do with the wolf paw?
They would come back eventually. They have excellent senses of direction, and are car-smart. My only worry is that they would go into someone's yard and root through their trash, or kill their chickens, or get into other mischief, and get shot by a very angry neighbor!
The wolf paw went into two plastic sacks and will go out with the next trash!
Never pick up stuffs like wolf paws the dogs bring back with bare hands. Wear gloves and use shovels/brooms please. They might have died from some weird virus.
Also, don't touch dead stuffs out there.
Okay, Mudder! I will resist the urge to touch dead stuff!
I always thought the way to tell that summer has arrived was when the first RV's show up!
Dead wolf paw... did you get a pic?
OT, did you see my vid of behbeh koala?
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