After fielding a few confusing blog posts, I've figured out that
Dingo Dave has tagged me for the
latest and greatest meme. You're supposed to go to the eighth folder of photos, pick the eighth photo, and talk about it.

It's the girls' butts while 'joring. :)
Yep, that's pretty self-explanatory alright. I was really hoping it was a pic from one of your frozen river outings with the girls; specifically the one when they knocked you over as you we squatting down to, ah, take some pressure off your bladder. was a pic... should be, of course would be a pic...
Cus, you know, that'd just make a really cool story.
It shows there were three comments, but I can only read two. Is it my eyes?!
Blogger is acting weird. I had just said ':)' in response to Dingo Dave.
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