Here is my cord of spruce. That stack is double deep.
Here is my cord of aspen and birch. That stack, too, is double deep. The girls, of course, wanted to be in the photo and show you their best sides.
And Linden wanted to kiss me. Gee-ross! But sweet. :)
The girls hanging out in the yard while I put stuff away. They can't hang out with me while I split wood because they want to sit. Right. Next. To. Me.
Can you tell which way the prevailing breeze is blowing?
Sniff. Snorff.
I managed to snap some nice portraits from the porch.
Finally, here is a photo I snapped on my way to a friend's house last night. The sky had just cleared up from the rain clouds. Beautiful evening!
Cords of wood, like baker's dozens, seem to be generous. Or maybe I have just been lucky to buy from generous sellers.
I think your cabin looks just like what a cabin is supposed to be
Whoa, that's a whole lotta splittin' goin' on! By now your shoulders should be the envy of any sourdough and you can probably crush rocks with your grip!
Good on ya!
Ummmm, you wouldn't want to make a trip down here and split some red gum for me, wouldcha?
The girls, of course, wanted to be in the photo and show you their best sides
Snicker, good one.
Mdr likes your "portaits"
Dingo Dave: My arms look great, but I still can't open the peanut butter jar some days.
Mudder: Thanks! I do, too. I think the girls are so pretty, but they usually don't cooperate well for photos.
Holy woodpile, batman! So how long do 2 cords last? Do you now spend the next 3-4 months splitting wood in preparation for the winter?
Look at those happy dogs!
Rena, I went through two cords last Winter, but it was an unusually mild one, so I'd like to have more on hand.
On the other hand, now that I've found a good, reliable supplier of dry wood, and I know that I am capable of splitting it on very cold days, I don't feel pressured to have all of my wood ready going into Winter. So I'm probably not going to order another cord any time soon. I also have a LOT of downed, dead trees on my property that I'm going to cut to lenths and split for firewood, and that'll be at least half a cord there!
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